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Dresden Jamboree 2006

The Pictures of the DRESDEN JAMBOREE from ESN are online   - klick -
Alien Life Form
11-12-06   Die Newsletter von ESN Deutschland sind jetzt zum Nachlesen auf meiner Homepage   - klick -
If Sauron has won ... :-P

Wenn Sauron gewonnen hätte ...
Der DGB hat eine Petition gestellt gegen die Ausnutzung von Akademikern und Berufsanfänger in Praktika, die nichts anderes sind als unterbezahlte Berufstätigkeit. „ ... Die Petition fordert, dass Praktika und ähnliche Lernverhältnisse per Gesetz eindeutig von Arbeitsverhältnissen abgegrenzt werden müssen, damit sie keine regulären Stellen ersetzen. Praktika müssten auf drei Monate begrenzt und mit mindestens 300 Euro pro Monat vergütet werden. Volontariate und ähnliche Berufseinstiegsprogramme müssten mit mindestens 7,50 Euro pro Stunde vergütet werden ....“
Wer die Iniative unterstützen will kann die Petition auf der e-Goverment Seiten des Deutschen Bundestages bis zum 09. Januar unterzeichnen   - klick -
02-12-06   Neue Photos von der Messe Grenzenlos   - klick -   und der NP von ESN Deutschland im Rahmen des LEI Treffen des DAAD in Bonn - feine Abkürzungen, nicht ... :-) -  also dem Treffen von verschiedenen deutschen Vereinen von ESN   - klick -
01-12-06   Wir entsorgen ihre Alte ... :-)

Wir entsorgen ihre Alte

27-11-06   There are some more Infos about ESN ( Erasmus Student Network ) in German and in English at the ESN Site of this Homepage   - klick -   also there is a small handbook with all the important Infos about ESN Deutschland and the Struktures   - klick -
26-11-06   Es sind neue Fotos online. Es ist einmal die bunte Tüte von den ESN Veranstaltungen im den Wintersemster 2005, Sommersemester 2006 und die bisherigen Fotos von diesem Semester incl. der Party "Der heisse Herbst" ... :weitere kommen ...   - klick -
Nov 2006   Autum in Bochum at the Springerplatz

Herbst in Bochum

25-10-06   The Photos of the Maschinenfest 2005 are online - klick -
It was a nice family meeting on the parking place of the old factory in Krefeld. Didn´t know if I see one of these fucking bands, but talking alot, have much fun and have a real good time with good guys ... :-)
21-09-06   I have been on the Under Cover Of Darkness,
   a Gothic Festival in Münster, you can see some Pics   - klick -
16-09-06   Pics from the Middle Age Spectaculum in June   - klick -
   and some Pics of a Party of the Social List Party Bochum   - klick -
23-08-06   YO - the Festival Summer is over ...
   MERA LUNA Pics, it was a fine crowd by NEP and MINISTRY *ggg*   - klick - 

No Comment :-)

Bruno ist nun ein Bettvorleger

03-07-06   The next Photos from the NP of ESN Germany   -klick-
There is a nice Summer Camp - the GASMASK Summer Camp on the 15-07-06   -klick-
22-06-06   There are free Shakespeare Theatre in the Schlosspark Weitmar / Bochum  
   Infos   -klick-   -   Former Photos   - klick-
15-06-06   New Photos from the German ESN Meeting   -klick-
   and the Photos from Bloemendaal / Holland at pentecost (Pfingsten)   -klick-
New Dates: Deine Lakaien with great Orchestra in 2007   -klick-
You can find me at pentecost on the Beach ... ;-)  -klick-
30-05-06   The first Pics of the German Platform of ESN (Erasmus Student Networt),
   which had taken place in Hamburg - Harburg, are online   -klick-
29-05-06   Some more Weekend Trips Pics:
   Externsteine and Paderborn   -klick-
   The Historical Steam Train in the Ruhr Valley   -klick-
25-05-06   Back in the world again
 Eine Bäuerin reicht zur Begrüssung Knoblauch

Just coming back from my trip,
which keeps me away from the real life

Molwanien   -klick-   is a big thing!

I have make some fine photos
They come soon with a short report

08-05-06   BYE BYE - I am offline for some time
 Death in Office

Me are going in impulse for holiday in the east again
This time to Molwanien   -klick-
Hope to give you some new pics soon,
Nice thinks to see   -klick- 
07-05-06   Doing my homework, the older Pics online:
Zürich   -klick-   Krakow   -klick-   Auschwitz   -klick-
07-05-06   All the Pics of the Forms Of Hands now online   -klick-
07-05-06   Something new: On the right there are since now quotation, changing time by tim
                  - klick for more quote -
07-05-06   Some pics of the historic mining trail planned by my father   -klick-
Feeling the Seismic wave: The next Bassbeben comes (29.07)   -klick-
29-04-06   The first Pics of the Forms of Hands 2006   -klick-
27-04-06   Pics of a Sunday Trip to the Town of Langenberg / Velbert   -klick-
   You can find there nice old timbered house and secound hand / antique bookshops

22-04-06   IN GRIEF ...
   Alida Valli - the femal actress in the Film "The Third Man" died today   -klick-

   "The Third Man" with Alida Valli
21-04-06   Again photos ... ;-), WIEN / VIENNA at Easter Holiday   -klick-

   Fiaker des Grauens
20-04-06   Three Month to the World Jump Day   -klick-
19-04-06   Seven Days to the International Mutant Day
   Want to know something about the City of Prypiat?   -klick-
   Want to see the gouverments view of this ghost town?   -klick-
   Want to have a look on 20 years of untouched nature   -klick-
   Want to go there for holidays?   -klick-
18-04-06   There are some new Photos from my trip to Poland:
   The socialistic satellite town Nowa Huta   -klick-
Am 14. Mai findet eine Demo - Lauf in Bochum zum langfristigen Erhalt des Ruhr Marathon statt. Lauft mit ! (oder mitrobben - 6 km in 3 Stunden... ;-)  ).  Mehr Infos hier   -klick-

Vienna calling
13-04-06   Padadadam dadam - Padadadam dadam ...

... bye bye, I am now in Vienna (again) for some days

12-04-06   45 YEARS AGO ...

... with 20 million HP the Wostok-Rocket break through the atmosphere. The motor drone appears to Gagarin as like
"... a multitude of new musical nuances and timbres, which no composer write to music paper until now ..."

"When I orbited the Earth in a spaceship, I saw for the first time how beautiful our planet is. Mankind, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!"
Yuri Gagarin; Soviet cosmonaut;
(9 March 1934 * 27 March 1968) 
first human in space (12 April 1961)

Zeche Zollverin in Bonfire

official site

german news

Capital of Culture

11-04-06   STRIKE !!!  WE WON !!!

In 2010 the City of Essen  -klick-  becomes behalf of the whole Ruhr Area  -klick- (de)  -klick- (en)  the European Capital of Culture (europäische Kulturhauptstadt) !!

The most people didn´t know that the Ruhr Area is one of the largest urban area in Europe (5.3 million).
If they ever hear about the Ruhr Area instead of "Schalke 04" and "Borussia Dortmund" they think about the coal mines (yes they are still active, but five instead of 200) , steel factories and a grey landscape. But there is still only a small part of heavy industrial here.

Nowadays we have high tech and science, great global player, many universities, concrete skyscrapers, timbered houses, a great melting pot of people and culture, many great cities and small towns, some great problems, less good solutions, a administration from outside of the area, an ineffective public transport, green landscape with rivers and lakes, old industies changed to museum, many old stuff, a good nightlife ;-), many chances.

And, of course, many many culture (sometimes very unique strange culture ;-) ), because every city has it own theatre, festival, orchestra, museum, Off-theatre, etc. etc.

It is unique, strange, funny. multifaceted and relaxing here. :-)

For me it is one of the greatest moments in the last years. And for the Ruhr Area it is the biggest chance they ever get after the invention of the steam-engine.

As Mattihas Hartman, the former director of the Bochumer theatre, said:
"It will be much work, it will be a great year in 2010. After that we are famous or dead"

Also a congratulation to Pecs (Hungary), as a new EU-City,  -klick-  (travel to the town is is fine, also Villány  -klick-.) and Istanbul (Turkey), as a non EU-City,  -klick-  which also become in this year a Capital of Culture of Europe.
AGM2006   10-04-06   The Pictures of the AGM in Krakow 2006 are online  -klick-

07-04-06   Now you can find ESN (Erasmus Student Network) in the german Wikipedia   -klick-
06-04-06   Some pics of the carnival ball I take part   -klick-   (now with a working link)
Maschinenfest 2006w

04-04-06   Back from my trip to Poland - I have been in Cracow for the yearly meeting (AGM) of our Student-Sitter- Organisation ESN  -klick-  - four nice days with nice fellows all over Europe, meeting some old friends, have many discussions and good parties - also some relaxing fine days in Cracow after the meeting, seeing things human will never belive, and thinks that looks like Wanne-Eickel-Nord  ... ;-)
I will put the pics online as soon as possible, but ...now we from ESN Bochum   -klick-   starts for the new semester, means having a good full work the next weeks. Also at Eastern I am for a short trip to Vienna.
04-04-06   Ist eure Band bereit for den großen Auftritt bei Bochum Total? Wenn sich eure Band nun auch in die Bochumer Festivalgeschichte einschreiben möchte: bis 13.04. einfach für das diesjährige BOCHUM TOTAL ein Päckchen mit CD, Info und Foto an RADAR, Stichwort: "Bochum Total 2006", Viktoriastr. 41 44787 Bochum und ein Stoßgebet zum Himmel schicken.
04-04-06   Machine Engineer for wind engine wanted   -klick-
04-04-06   New Dates: Calexio on tour; 09.04. ELEGANT MACHINERY at Zeche Carl; 21.04. Depeche Mode Party at the 666   -klick-
09-03-06   A new web portal, for the culture in  the Ruhr Ares  is online ...   -klick-
Gordon Parks

Nov 30, 1912 – Mar 7, 2006





film director




"I picked up a camera because it was my choice of weapons against what I hated most about the universe: racism, intolerance, poverty."

05-03-06   Vorratsspeicherung von Verbindungsdaten:
Egal ob Du einen Telefonanruf bei Oma machst, Deinen Dealer SMSt, eine File aus dem Netz ziehst oder einer Zeitung die Gesetzesverstöße Deines Chefs per e-mail schickst ... all das wird demnächst protokolliert und zurückverfolgbar.
Ohne (Vor-)Verdacht, ohne Vorwarnung, einfach alles, von jedem Bürger. Infos ?   -klick-
05-03-06   And some more links - still not really good presentation ;-)   -klick-
NITZER EBB support FIXMER - 08.06.06. ; MADNESS, Bonn - 07.07.06.; NEERPELT OPEN AIR with FRONT 242 - 11.08.2006  -klick-
01-03-06   A NEW GUESTBOOK  is at work. And the best thing is ...
... you can write something in it ... ;-) 
SIMPLE MINDS - 08.06.06 (Donnerstag nach Pfingsten) - Gelsenkirchen - Glückaufkampfbahn - Karten für 20,50 € incl. VVK - Beginn 20.00h.

01-03-06   News: The Red Light District starts preparing for the football games
Advertisment: ... because you need legroom faster as you think   -klick- 
The fifth rider of the apocalypse is flying on his ride ...  -klick-
28-02-06   Some small layout changes, new counter, test phase for a better guestbook, etc. etc.  -klick-

21-02-06   The whole PHOTOS of the WIEN / VIENNA 2005 / 2006   -klick-

Fiacker of Death ;-) Zentralfriedhof Wien Loos Haus - Ornament ist Verbrechen

DEINE LAKAIEN - "Acoustic-Show" Sa 29.4. - 20.30 h - Berlin - einzige Show in Deutschland - 19 €   -klick-

17. Feb. - 7. May 2006 - MELANCHOLIE IN BERLIN
- Exibition to the matter of GENIOUS AND MADNESS IN ART - Genie und Wahnsinn in der Kunst -

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2006 widmet sich die Nationalgalerie einem Generalthema der europäischen Kunst: der Melancholie. Die Idee der Melancholie ist die universale Bezugsgröße aller bedeutenden Meisterwerke von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart,  gilt sie doch als wesentliches Gemütsmerkmal des kreativen Geistes und ist zu jeder Zeit treibende Kraft großer künstlerischer Schöpfungen gewesen. -www.melancholieinberlin.org-

There are some very interesting concerts, films and other things around  this exibition -klick-
Autum 2006 - Religious Treasures from TIBET - EXIBITION in the Krupp Villa Hügel in Essen   -klick-
Mera Bluna at 13.08.2006 with NITZER EBB, KRUPPS, FRONTLINE, MINISTRY   -klick-
RED HOT CHILLI PEPPER, 11./12.6.2006, Dortmund/Westfalenhalle, 49,00 €
16-02-06   Nach dem Urteil von Karlsruhe ...
Fliegende Biowffen
16-02-06   Photos of the Weekend Trip to BERLIN online   -klick-
09-02-06   There is a small but fine new web Radio - DARK AMBIENT MUSIC   -klick-
No words, no advertisement, only music
08-02-06   Photos of the ESN Goodbye Party online   -klick-
07-02-06   Some new design and some old flyers at the artwork part   -klick-
There are new Dates   - klick -   marc almond at shanghai / essen and electronic music at saint / ob
04-02-06   New photos from a daytrip to BRATISLAVA (Slovenská) 2006   -klick-
02-02-06   There are some ´new´ photos - some unsorted rest from old festivals
see:  Wave Gotik Treffen 2000  &  Mera Luna 2001
27-01-06  IN GRIEF ... Johannes Rau, Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia
Johannes Rau

Grab Johannes Rau                                
25-01-06   In Aachen there will be at the 18.02.2006 a noiseful event called "Analog Anfassen Anhören"  -klick-
25-01-06   A new part for Information on my Homepage - for jobs and flats   -klick-
You can find it at the menu point "Info & Text"
25-01-06  Am Samstag ist eine Nazi-Aufmarsch in Dortmund. Es gibt eine Gegendemo ...    -klick-
25-01-06   In der Turbinenhalle Oberhausen gibt der bekannt-berüchtigte DJ Bauer (666 / Stahlwerk) ab sofort eine Future-Pop, Industrial und EBM Party. Nun, im gleichen Schuppen spielt auch DJ Diva, berühmt-berüchtigt aus der Zeche Carl. Nun, wenn man von der Vorankündigung ausgeht und dem was die in ihren Heim-Discos spielen, dann ist eins sicher: Es ist eine Warnung! Denn es ist mehr eine Ankündigung was sie auf gar keinen Fall spielen werden, denn weder habe ich im 666 mal Industrial gehört, noch im der Zeche Carl (große Halle) Gothic.
Aber das ist meine kleine vorurteilsbehaftete Welt, schaut selber   -klick-

20-01-06   ESN Bochum makes a Semester End Party - here you can get the flyer and poster
                               Flyer (color)  - klick -  ;  Plakat  (color)   - klick -  Flyer (sw)  - klick -  ; 
                               Plakat  (sw)   - klick - If you like, make promotion for us ... ;-)
19-01-06   There are a fine  Industrial / EBM / Noise  Internet Radio   www.feindsender.net
                               For the broadcasting of DJ Paradrois , learn more ...   - klick -
19-01-06   New Dates for Beats and Noise - Forms of Hands (Crowd Mirror online !),
12-01-06   JULIA ZINNBAUER Mode-Performance „ Baustoff“
                               Live-Akt von 100Blumen - 21.Januar 2006 ab 19.30 Uhr
                              Atelier INTERIM  -  Hammer Dorfstr.105 –107, Düsseldorf
                              - klick -

Vienna calling
Hej Hej, Vienna is calling - I am for sylvester away on a trip to Austria and Bratislava - more photos soon, I think ... ;-)

Have a nice trip to the year 2006

25-12-05   There are new Dates   - klick -   Front 242, New Model Army and other concerts
17-12-05   BITSTREAM get an new home - The Party for (Old-School-)EBM, Rhythm&Noise,
                  Intelligent Techno and more stuff like that with  DJs Paradroid (Maschinenfest,
                  Forms Of Hands, Zwischenfall etc.) & Calle (Saint, Unit Club, Zwischenfall etc.).
                  monthly 4. Saturday at Starclub/Schifferhaus, Mülheim a.d.R.
                  www.antimatter.de   - klick -
17-12-05    SPEZNAZ at Hotel Shanghai; 10.02.06
09-12-05   HASCH MICH - Photo Session:
                  Frl. Zinnbauer presenting her own textile creations   - klick -

06-12-05   Some few pic from a trip to Dresden   - klick -
06-12-05   There is a new site on this page - Jokes -
                  Sorry but for now only some in German   - klick -
                  Now I have a new Domain: www.maschinenjunge.de
                  Dates: BERLINOIZE, FIXXER, ALPHA BOY SCHOOL   - klick -
18-11-05   Now with FavIcon - that is the little symbole in the adress line ;-)
                  and new subdomain: http://maschinenjunge.flux-garden.de
13-11-05   Photos: ESN Bochum goes to Exibition "Kleine Nationalgalerie"   - klick -
                  Dates: BAUHAUS   - klick -
                  Dates: THROBBING GRISTLE 31-12-05 / 01-01-06 Berlin   - klick -
09-11-05   Photos from Bassbeben July 2005 with MONO - klick - ,
                  Photos from MILA MAR in 2002  - klick - ,
                  and Dates for CLIENT / COVENANT  - klick -
05-11-05   Photos Cultural Medley 2005 in Winterthur   - klick -
                  Pics from the Swiss - Zürich (soon), Winterthur,
                  Schaffhausen, Luzern / Vierwaldstätter See
                  Some older Pics: Schleswig 2005, Indietours Festival 1995 Querfurt,
                  Zillo Festival 1996, Wave- Gothic Treffen 1998
02-11-05   "BITSTREAM will return for more electronic mayhem!"
                 Die Party für (Old-School-)EBM, Rhythm&Noise, Intelligent Techno
                 DJs sind Paradroid & Calle -  www.antimatter.de
                 02.12.2005, Fabrik, Coesfeld
                 27.01.2006, Kulturfabrik, Krefeld - Live: Die Krupps
                 25.02.2006, StarClub im Schifferhaus, Mülheim

Just back for some days in the Swiss
Soon Pics about the ESN Culture Medley Mountains ... - klick -
24-10-05  Photos of the first "Elektronischer Wandere" in the Elfringhauser Schweiz   - klick -
Im Frühtau ...
17-10-05  Photos Train-Museum Dahlhausen with Steam locomotive   - klick -
                 The Photos of the Maschinen Faces Party and the Maschinenfest are online   - klick -
                 also there are Links to other Photo-Pages and new Dates                 
05-10-05   Photos Italian Futurism Exhibition - Dortmund 2002
30-09-05   Portraits of the Maschinenjunge - taken by Lutz Leitmann ( from Zweizu5 )
19-09-05   Photos Air Service Session at Client Concert
18-09-05   Some new links:
                  Zweizu5Two young photographers from Bochum
                  Return 2 Style - all about Swing music, style and more of the 1920ties to the 1940ties
Holy Ghost Comedian Charmonists - A Cover - Band of the "Comedian Harmonists"
13-09-05   Photos European Heritage Days 2005 - Tag des offenen Denkmals / Bunkertour
06-09-05   Photos Laesoe / Denmark 2005
23-08-05   Photos Katwijk aan Zee 2005
22-08-05   Photos Lichterfest im Dortmunder Westfalenpark 2005
26-07-05   Some mixed Pics of the last ESN - Events are online   - klick -
                  and the Ruhr-Uni Bochum in Autum 2004
26-07-05   Photos Burgfolk Schloß Broich 2005 Mülheim / Ruhr
20-07-05   Photos Theatre in the Schlosspark Weitmar 2005
14-07-05   There are new thinks going on at Terra Dementia - some old Pics of our beloved
                  church dignitary   - klick -   and a Desktop of our long term vision - Mars !   - klick -
13-07-05   What comes after the "closing-time" of life - a new artwork by Flux Garden   - klick -
12-07-05   Some more Pictures - London 2001 - Abschlussparty Schauspielhaus Bochum 2005 -
                  - Photos of the Ruhr Area / Ruhrgebiet - Photos of Bochum -
                  - Mediaeval Knight Festival in Kaltenberg -
06-07-05   A gallery of some modern paintings of my Grandaunt   - klick -
27-06-05   Cheat Codes for Age Of Mythology - some are very funny   - klick -
  • The APPD,  - Info - , has arranged a prospering partnership with THE PARTEI
    see the Video with the speech of Karl Nagel  - klick -
  • a Video where Karl Nagel explained if the APPD is a Fun Party or not   - klick -
  • The comming soon chancelor of the APPD, Wolfgang Wendland,
    make a video speech about the drug policy of the APPD   - klick -
  • Kameranosse Wittek  reflect on the character of politics   - klick  -
21-06-05   Become a member of the APPD   - klick -
                  Learn more   - klick -
12-06-05   A new member of Terra Dementia has come
                  - Saint Maurizio   - klick -
                  Pics of the CLIENT Concert   - klick -
02-06-05   Informations about Hamburg - what to see
                  and how to find some fine places (in German) - klick -
31-05-05   Pics of Hamburg - some special views - klick -
20-05-05   Fotos von Gerds Junggesellenabschied - klick -
17-05-05   The Pics of the ESN Party in April 2005 are online  - klick -
16-05-05   New Pics are online
                  Forms of Hands Festival 2005
                  Middle Age Spectaculum in Dortmund12-05-05   New Visions of our Pope   - klick -
29-04-05   HOSIANNA - We have a name for our new Anti Pope Land
                  - TERRA DEMENTIA - ...    - klick -
27-04-05   Three links to a historical project for the memory of victims of the Nazis
                  called "
Stopersteine"   -1-  -2-  -3-
25-04-05   Ignorantius has declaire the Four Horseman Óf The Apocalypse   - klick -
20-04-05   Benedikt XVI   vs.   Ignorantius XII
                  A Bavarian is the new catholic pope. So we call out a new Antipope.
                  Read more ...   - klick -
27-04-05   Three links to a historical project for the memory of victims of the Nazis called "Stopersteine"   -1-  -2-  -3-
25-04-05   Ignorantius has declaire the Four Horseman Óf The Apocalypse   - klick -
23-04-05   QNTAL will play in the Matrix at the 05. May
                   and the Tickets & Timetable for the Night of Darkness are online   - klick -
20-04-05   Benedikt XVI   vs.   Ignorantius XII
                  A Bavarian is the new catholic pope. So we call out a new Antipope. Read more ...   - klick -
06-04-05   IN GRIEF ...

02-04-05   The Photos of the AGM 2005 of ESN in Gdansk are all online  - klick -
01-04-05   IN GRIEF ...

29-03-05   Photos Ant L´And Concert Night Feb. 2005 in Leiden / NL - klick -
26-03-05   Back from a trip from Gdansk and Krakow - tired and still not here

Unless otherwise noted:
Creative Commons License by Maschinenjunge